My Kitchen Rules was the most aired TV Brand between 1 – 20 February 2018 with 994 instances across 37 stations. Mix94.5 aired the most MKR spots with 55 instances, closely followed by Nova100 Melbourne and Nova969 Sydney with 53 and 51 instances respectively. Similarly, second place was also taken our by channel Seven with Home & Away/My Kitchen Rules with 616 instances across 36 stations.
Channel Ten’s I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here was the third most played TV brand during this time with 530 spots placed over 15 stations with ARN owned stations KIIS1065 Sydney, GOLD Melbourne, 973 Brisbane, WS-FM Sydney and Mix102 Adelaide airing the most spots.
Married At First Sight, while doing very well in the TV ratings, is in fourth place with 440 spots across 12 stations – of those Hit92.9 Perth airing the most spots, 60 instances during this time.
Taking a look at Streaming and Subscription TV Brands, Netflix was out in front airing 351 ads but across only four stations, namely SCA’s 104.1 2DayFM Sydney, Triple M Sydney, Fox FM Melbourne and Triple M Melbourne.